Cerca habitacions a Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery i propers


Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery

Establiment de preu mitjà des d'on podràs visitar el centre de la ciutat, situat a menys de 2 km. Aqui podràs allotjar-te a una habitació doble des de 78 €. S'ofereix als clients connexió a internet wifi gratis a totes les instal.lacions. Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery ofereix diverses comoditats, entre les que podem destacar: restaurant i aire acondicionat. Les seves intal.lacions es troben adaptades per persones amb mobilitat reduïda. Es permet als hostes allotjar-s'hi amb els seus animals de companyia. Quant als llocs ressenyables, proper a Museu Märkisches i Alexanderplatz.


Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery Foto - Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery

Preu per nit

Pots reservar la teva habitació a Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery des de 78 €.


Opinions de Schulz Hotel Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery


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Hi ha 23800 comentaris d'aquest allotjament:

Ubicació / Com arribar

Adreça: Stralauer Platz 36. 10243 Berlín. Alemanya.

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22 d’abril
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