Cerca habitacions a Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake i propers


Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake

Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake (3 estrelles) és un establiment amb totes les comoditats que es troba aproximadament a 4 km del centre de Udaipur. L'establiment disposa de connexió sense fils a internet gratis per a tots els hostes. Aquestes són algunes de les característiques més rellevants: aparcament, aparcament gratuït, restaurant, aire acondicionat i lloguer de cotxes. Les seves intal.lacions es troben adaptades per persones amb mobilitat reduïda. L'establiment ofereix a més un servei llançadora de transport de connexió amb l'aeroport. Es permet als hostes allotjar-s'hi amb els seus animals de companyia.


Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake Foto - Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake


Opinions de Treebo The Regal House, Near Fateh Sagar Lake


Molt bo

Hi ha 27 comentaris d'aquest allotjament:

Ubicació / Com arribar

Adreça: 9, Abhay Bhavan Fatehpura to, road, Syphon Choraha, Fatehpura, Udaipur, Rajasthan. 313001 Udaipur. Índia.


  • Adaptat per persones amb mobilitat reduïda
  • Aire acondicionat
  • Animals permesos
  • Internet gratis
  • Lloguer de cotxes
  • Parking
  • Parking gratis
  • Restaurant
  • Transfer a aeroport
  • Wi-Fi gratis

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